Safety Management

Safety Management

Safety is the top priority for our company. We believe that our organization can run without accidents, and we commit to create it a "Safe Place to Work". It is our firm conviction that all causes of accidents are manmade and can be resolved by men. Our commitment to “ZERO HARM” has manifested in several preventive measures including Engineering, Administrative, Behavioural and provision of Personnel Protective Equipment being the last layer of protection. Implementation of Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems & Practices including thorough risk assessment, standard operating and maintenance procedures, operational controls, regular audit & inspection mechanism, awareness campaigns, focused training programmes, participation and involvement of employees, robust review system, etc. put in place to achieve the goal.

One such initiative taken was launching of Safety Excellence Journey (SEJ) with the guidance of TATA Steel, a role model on safety practices imbibed from world renowned DuPont practices. The Journey, which was rolled out on 14th March 2012, has introduced a number of Safety Standards, Procedures & Practices and a set of committees with specific responsibilities to ensure the effective safety implementation.

The Company observes National Safety Week & Safety Month (March), National Road Safety Week & Road Safety Month (Jan-Feb), National Fire Services Day, etc. to promote safety awareness amongst the employees including the contract workers and the community. The company ensures Annual Health Checkup of all its employees and contract workers.

TRL Krosaki has received several awards and accolades on safety and occupational health care at national & state level.

  • All injuries are preventable.
  • Safety is line manager's responsibility.
  • Felt concern and care for employees' health & safety round the clock.
  • Working safely is condition of employment.
  • Safety training is essential to improve competency to work safely.
  • Recognizing hazards, fixing of required Engineering & Administrative control measures is the direction towards maintaining a safe workplace.
  • Adherence to Risk assessment, Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs), checklist, work permit and use of required PPEs prevents accident.
  • Personal Protective Equipment is the last layer of control measure.
  • Rewarding for remarkable contribution on safety and reprimanding violations will improves safety culture.
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